Thursday, April 8, 2010

Six-miler and then some

I love unintended extra miles - and especially the good unintended extra miles.

What turned out to be a 6-miler evolved into a 6.85-run.  And I love it. I probably could have run the extra .15 and make it a 7-mile run, but I didn't plan on that. My initial plan was 6-miles. Then I got to make loops around the neighborhood.  Kids were outside playing on the street with their dogs, their skater bike things and baseball bats. Such a wonderful sight and it's quite different from my other usual runs where there's no one in sight. So I ran in and out of the neighborhood to enjoy watching children at play. It dawned on me that I am also playing and having fun. Running is my play!

I love my pace too! I seldom can sustain a 11:00+/mile pace on a long run. But I think I did pretty well today. I felt strong while running and caught myself just smiling. I am just happy when I am in my own thoughts, in my own world, on my own terms when I run. I actually picked up the pace toward the end and give myself a little push. At the end of it, I felt like I still have a little more to give. Nonetheless, here are the splits: 
11:29.22 (ate 1/4 of Powerbar)
Total time: 1:18.42. Completed: 6.85miles. Average Pace: 11:29

I am still debating on the Country Music half marathon in Nashville. Regardless of entering the half marathon or not, I am determine to do that 13.1 on my own that weekend or the next. I am about 2 or 3 weeks behind the schedule. So, hmmm .... yep.
I also love how my "short" runs are getting longer. Four months or so ago, I'd never comprehend running 6-miles just for the heck of it. And now, it is just another out-and-back run. I feel strong. 
This weekend long run will be 11 miles. I don't know what to think about it. So, I am not going to think about it. It will happen. I'll just run and see where my legs take me :)  
How far/what race are you running this weekend? Any mental prep you would like to share? 


  1. I'm running 12 this weekend. I'm nervous about it.

  2. great run!! nice splits. ya i love that too that now a 6 miles is just another run, and a 3 miler is a breeze. love it.

    im going away with the bf and his family, so prolly no running for me. i am brining my running clothes, and if all the roads are clear and there is no snow (we are going up north to his cottage) then i will get a short run in.

    have a great weekend

  3. Nice splits!! No races for me this weekend, just a 4 miler with the Hubster. Hope you have a good one! :)

  4. Awesome run!
    I am suppose to run 9 miles...but my hip is giving me major problems! Bummer!


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