Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Two Kinds Of Runs ...

I finally made it back to the Y this morning.  It wasn't easy. I hate deviating from my usual routine. I have to say this, when the lure of sleeping in tempts you, think about how awesome it will be to get the run out of the way and have the rest of the day to yourself. That freedom is quite a fabulous feeling!

Many of you are familiar with Shut Up and Run - her perseverance, her toughness, her frank discussions of bodily movements and bowel movements.  Well, I thought about her quite often today!! Apparently, something funny is happening in my belly. Yes. Still happening. It's like a blender is churning up a storm in my belly.

Needless to say, this morning run was rough. Between the getting back into groove from the cold to the crap blending up a storm in my belly, OMG. Really.  It was rough.  I wanted to call it quits at 30 minutes (which was only some 2.5 miles or so logged). But I decided to keep going, even if it meant that I had to walk 10 seconds every now and then. I wanted to round the run up to an even 3-mile.  The mind won today. Yeah!  (and then, a trip to the bathroom for the other run.)

In other matters, my move went as well as a move can be. Good thing we only moved a couple of miles away. I am still making trips back to the ex-house to grab stuff. But we have been at the now-house now. The now-house is very passé. We are talking about heavy duty wood paneling and wall-paper. And the walls are as if Dora has just barfed pink cotton candy all over. We cannot paint over the wood paneling, only the walls. I have ideas. Even though we are in a very groovy kinda situation, we have to be thankful for a roof over our head. And we are. We will roll and groove with it, right? 


  1. Yes, that was snow in my biking picture but it was from last year - November I think.

  2. Proud of you for finishing the run!!! You should look back in your posts - a year or so, you would see how much stronger you got!!

  3. Way to push thru the tummy troubles and get er done. Glad the move went well!

  4. Way to get through the run. Oddly enough, when I have tummy troubles on runs I think of SUAR too--weird!!! Don't know if she would appreciate that or not!!

  5. You could end up having a way cool retro house if you decorate just right! And then when you have themed parties you won't even have to decorate!

    Nice job on your run!


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