Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas dilemmas.

  1. Ran 3 miles on the treadmill at the Y. It started quite well because there was another person (a man in his 50s) running next to me. He was actually running and my peripheral vision caught a glance at his pace - 5.5.  So I kept up and I was feeling good. Then, he got a phone call on his cell phone and he was done.  I carried on the rest of it by myself.  Took me 34 or 35 minutes.
  2. I said I would do 3 runs this week (which I did - Monday, Wednesday, Friday). But since Wednesday's run was not far and can barely qualify as a run, I am going to go to the Y again tomorrow and hash out another 5K.  My abs are still sore from Wednesday's crunches. It hurts so good. :)
  3. November's mileage was pathetic. I will be working to get December's numbers up.
  4. I am craving sugar. Like a coconut pie, or cheesecake, or tres leche cake.
  5. I think the braces are definitely moving my teeth.Also, while I can eat better now, I am not eating much because I hate having food stuck between those braces. So, often, I chose laziness/anal retentive over food. I might still be losing weight since I haven't eaten much because it takes me twice or three times as long as before to finish eating something small. 
  6. My boyfriend and I are going to be doing a lot more homemade stuff for gifts this year (for the adults) so that way, the other little nieces and nephews will still get their presents but we'll be able to cut down on the spending. What kind of homemade yummies do you like? We are thinking our homemade wine, two or three types of cookies/biscottis, roasted nuts, maybe some local produce like honey. Money's tight - since I am committing myself to the braces and I am helping my brother with some of his wedding expenses. I only have one brother, so, I want to contribute what I can for him and his quite cool wife-to-be.
  7. I am still debating if I should put up my Christmas tree. Because it means moving more boxes and taking time to put it up, and take it down. Time I don't have. Argh. I can't believe I am considering this.

    I am sorry my posts have been just random points instead of a wonderful beautiful narration about my runs and my life. I find this is the quicker way to get the random bits of my life in. 


  1. I think homemade gifts can be great. I used to make mulled wine as gifts, and it was always a hit.

  2. There was one year - we had just moved - I didn't want to bother with the tree but my husband talked me into it. And I was very glad he did.

    Homemade gifts - food is always good. Wine sounds good. I would like homemade cards. I would also love a card/note that promised to run a race with me. That kind of thing.

  3. We always make Christmas cookies to send to our friends, but I have 2 eager little helpers that like to help me cut the shapes, then frost and sprinkle them. :) This year we also made buckeyes, and while it seemed like endless hot work, we made over 10 dozen to send to family and friends. Yum!

  4. I LOVE the homemade gifts, so much more personal!! I rather have something homemade and know you thought about me while doing it, than a book from the shelf or something like that. And who doesn't like wine?!? :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog. 1) I am on a total homemade gifts craze since I found Pinterest. I need more friends to pawn things off on. Ha. As far as treats, I know I am personally giving away homemade goldfish crackers and homemade gum drops. 2) I am also wondering about the tree. I just moved and it seems like such a hassel. le sigh. I am doing other decorations though. 3) About the braces, you'll probably start to notice people with them a lot more now that you have them too. I won't lie, I hated it pretty much the whole time...but it IS worth it. Also, I found even when they were tightened and it hurt I went running and someone the happy hormones that are released (nice science huh?) and the blood flow in my gums almost made it like a massage and made my mouth feel SO MUCH better. O and I was totally that person who couldn't stand to have things on my teeth. I'll drink water to avoid things on my teeth, but if you don't wanna starve to death, you need to learn to chew and use your tongue to move things around the wires. Gross I know. Try swishing water in your mouth too in order to move pieces around. Good Luck.


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