Friday, February 10, 2012

Lose Yourself

Ran Thursday: 3 miles in 34 minutes. Uneventful treadmill run.
Push-ups: Friday=20.
Total push-ups to date=120.


On Thursday, after work, instead of taking a direct route home,
I drove through the windy country roads.
Sometimes, we just need to take the off-beaten path, to "disappear" from the regular life,
to "lose" yourself to something/some place new, different, unfamiliar.
The thing was, I wasn't sad or angry. It was a good day at work.
But I just wanted to be by myself, away from all the usual things.
I ended up parking by the side of the road, stared at the vast land ahead of me and the vast sky above me. I broke down and cried. And quite, frankly, I didn't know what I was crying about.
It didn't take but less than five minutes.
And I was back on the road again.

I received more goodies in the mail this week.
Bought some Gu Chomps (strawberry flavored) and a running light for my running friend.
I am excited to give it to him tomorrow when we meet up for a run.
It's a "Thank You for driving and running whenever I want" gift.

The biggie in the Road Runner box:
New running shoes.

I bought the same pair, same size, same color. 
The only difference?
The new smell!

I have been busy reading too!
Here's just a stack of what I am working on.
(And I am an extremely SLOW reader).
This Chicken Soup for the "runners" soul has been a really good read.
I like how the stories are short, but always motivating and uplifting. 
I have been reading a story at the dining table with my breakfasts.
Thank you Christine for this wonderful Christmas gift that I am still enjoying.

Under the Chicken Soup book is an iPad with a story for the beginner runner.
Will do a review when I am done.

Under that iPad is The Pregnancy Bible.
Like I said, running is a whole lot easier than getting pregnant.
Running is within your control. Getting pregnant - so out of your control. 


  1. I'm so happy you enjoy the book! :) Pregnancy - that's a big step! We need to talk about this in March! :)

  2. I love that you took a different route home. Sometimes just small changes make a big difference in your day/life. And, I need more info on this pregnancy bible!

  3. What is this about pregnancy? I think I missed an important post!

    1. Ha. You didn't miss anything.
      This is the year we are trying to have baby, that's all. :)


Thanks for reading! Do leave me a comment or two. They keep me motivated.