Friday, March 23, 2012

To Photoshop or Not?

My Friday has been a little more productive than the previous four days.
Grocery shopping.
Prepping bulk chicken breasts into quart-sized bags with different types of marinade/seasonings.
LOADS of laundry done and still doing, ironed, and put away.
Catching up on reading the blog posts.
All of these even though I slept until almost noon today.
I saw this online about Cate Blanchett posing for a magazine cover, which was not Photoshopped.
I thought she looked real and I thought she looked quite good.
 What do you think?
Who do you want to see un-photoshopped?

I'm off to do more "productive stuff" and then,
I'm going to hop on the treadmill and go at it for a little while before this day is over.

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