Thursday, May 6, 2010

Still 3, still on the 'mill

and no where getting bored.
I guess, the key is to constantly challenge myself and push myself to the next level.
I have been running at a 11:00+min/mile pace without much difficulty and quite comfortably. Today, I cranked it up a notch and took the 'mill on a 10+min/mile pace. I did not let is slide down to a high 10/low 11 mile pace.  I didn't bring my notebook to do my little chicken scratch jotting down as I had done so in the past. But here's the BIG picture:

I am excited because I actually did try to sustain the pace and not fiddle with the treadmill settings too much. I told myself that I will just have to run at the setting I set and push through it.
Overall, I think it turned out quite well. I enjoyed this sweaty hot run.

After my run, I was outside in the yard, deadheading spent roses. I have come to a conclusion that that is one of the favorite thing I like to do in the yard - deadheading spent blooms. :) I also gathered enough roses to make a nice little bouquet for the dining room table and near one of the sinks where I do my dishes. :)

After getting the roses in the vase, I got into a bottle of moscato and O0ps! I am pretty sure this is not the approved post-run beverage. But it was cold and it was nice and it was tasty! :)

1 comment:

  1. I think anything is approved to eat/drink post-run!

    Way to go on the run! You did awesome!!


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