Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jill's Second Holiday Blog Gift Exchange a.k.a. Santa Dropped These In My Mail Box

I participated in Run for Jill's second annual holiday blog gift exchange and this came in the mail Tuesday!

I ripped the first gift apart before I took the picture.
Had a "o00ps!" moment so I rearranged all the presents in a pretty manner and took a shot.
And went ripping away!!!

Lots of delicious Gu gels, Sport Beans (I cannot wait to try those), yummy honey stinger waffle, socks, and that LED light (super super awesome!!) Not shown here is a bumper sticker "Run to Health." 
I am excited.
Thanks Jill for organizing the gift exchange.
And thank you Stephanie Anne for sending me such thoughtful presents!
I'll be putting that L.E.D. light and socks to good use tomorrow morning when I go running with my buddy!


  1. Fun! What a great bunch of loot to get in the mail! I love sport beans. I used them for over a year before I started trying other things too.

  2. Glad you liked it! The honey stinger waffles are one of my favorite snacks for a realllly long run. Enjoy!

  3. Great gifts - what a great package to get in the mail!

  4. She did a great job!! That holiday gu looks neat :)


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