Monday, July 30, 2012

Weekend Round Up

Monday: 3.5 miles. Walked with Paddy Wag outside. There were some inclines. It was hot. But it was good.

Tuesday: 1.5 mile in 30 minutes. Almost didn't do this, but decided to just whip it out of the way. One mile turned into 1.5 mile.

Wednesday: Lazy day. Went to a lumber mill with the boyfriend to pick up the forklift. It was hot!  Why does heat wipe me out so easily these days? Or really, anything I do seems to wipe me out!

Pine in the yard with water spraying on it. Gotto keep it wet. 

Thursday: 1 mile in 20 minutes. Almost didn't do this again. Ugh! What's wrong with me. But I got it done. Told myself, just one mile. Just one mile. I can do just one mile!

Friday: Lazy. I honestly didn't know what I did other than some chores around the house. I enjoyed the chores actually - sweeping, mopping, laundered the clothes and sheets and comforter. And I cooked both lunch and supper.

Saturday: 2 miles. Most of my day was spent being lazy, but I stepped up and give myself a kick in the rear finally.  I also made some chocolate chip cookies using this recipe here.

Sunday: I fell again today. Not a bad fall. I was sitting on a roller wheel suitcase in the laundry/pantry room organizing canned goods when somehow, the suitcase moved and I just fell. It wasn't too high off the ground and I was able to do a frog stance halfway. But alas, the entire body's center of gravity threw me off and I landed on my rear.  It wasn't a bad fall, but enough to scare me.  I really got to be more careful and mindful. After that, I was just wary. I gave the treadmill a miss today.

Total Miles This Week: 8

What I Learned This Week: 
  • I do not like thrillers or spooky anything.  Was watching "Pretty Little Liars" on Netflix but I got spooked. So I quit watching it. 
  • I found "Nip/Tuck" and have been enjoying it. Christine, you need to watch it while you are on your treadmill! 
  • I need to watch the amount of sweets I eat. And the salt. Every time I eat something sweet, I have to chase it down with something salty. 
  • I can walk at least 2 miles at a comfortable easy pace. Going to try and do it at least 2 times next week.


  1. great week of workout! I like Nip/Tuck also. i have never seen pretty little liars...i didnt know that its spooky!

    have a great week this week!

  2. Be careful and don't fall! I mean it!

  3. Hey Christina! You've won something on my blog (granola, yum!) -- please check it out and send me your contact info. Congrats, and thanks for following my journey!!
    Please note in your email:
    runningdivamom at yahoo dot com

  4. Thanks for the movie recommendation! I actually look for something right now, since the Bachelorette is over :)

    Good job on your workouts! PLEASE be careful!

  5. Glad you are ok after your fall! That's great that you are still able to walk at a comfortable pace for a couple of miles.


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