Monday, August 6, 2012

Weekend Round Up

Monday: 1 mile

Tuesday: Left early to go on a delivery trip with the boyfriend and didn't get back until Wednesday morning.

Wednesday: 0.2 mile. I tried to get Nip/Tuck streamed on the iPad but every time I placed that thing on my treadmill, it kept saying I don't have Internet connection. I do not have the mental power to go through the walk without some form of entertainment. So I gave up.

Thursday: 2.8 miles. I knew I had to do more than 1 pathetic mile just to make it up for all the slack! After one mile, the counter thing said 1.2 mile (because I didn't reset from yesterday), so I decided to keep going until an even 2. Then, I decided to walk to an even 3.

Friday: 1.52 mile. Promised a fellow blogger, Jessica that I would walk today. Thanks for keeping me accountable!

Saturday: 2.0 miles. I walked a little slower today (average about 2.8 mph) and didn't bother much with the incline. Just a mindless walk and it was good.

Sunday: 1 mile. Just had to get the walk in. I have the trouble with my iPad not streaming from Netflix when I placed the iPad on my treadmill. Does anyone have similar problem?

Total Miles This Week:  8.52 mile. I'm glad I surpassed last week's mileage. Next week, I am going to try and beat this 8.5 mile-mark.

Cool Thing This Week: I became Facebook friends with Jessica and I am thoroughly glad that I have a virtual walking buddy to keep me accountable.


  1. Running buddies are awesome :) Good job on your mileage and staying fit while being pregnant!!!


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