Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Random Thoughts on Tuesday

Hey there! 
Random thoughts anyone? 

  1. I am recovering, slowly but surely.
  2. I am back to taking care of my baby at night. :) I had been having help with night time feedings so I could sleep and get more rest. But now, I am back on duty. 
  3. I love my baby so much! 
  4. Christine over at Dream Big Runner has decided to do this challenge for 2013. Not a bad challenge to consider. I believe I am on board too. She is doing 13 half marathons. For me, I am going to do a combination of 5Ks, 10Ks, and at least a half marathon. I probably won't do real race in a physical location, but I will be looking into virtual races instead.  I cannot wait to start lacing up those shoes and start walking/running. 
Have you started thinking of a 2013 challenge?
If so, what is it?


  1. Yay! I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I really don't know what I want to go for in 2013. Though I'm back on track now, 2012 was a bit of a bust. I want to challenge myself, but I don't want to burn out/get injured/be lame.

  2. My challenge is to continue healthy eating. I did a 2 week boot camp and gave up dairy, sugar and gluten. Feel great, more energy, etc.
    Your baby is precious, by the way.
    Oh, moved my blog. Here is the new link -

  3. I'm soo happy to hear you start feeling better!!!! :)

  4. So glad that you are feeling better. *hugs*

  5. Glad to hear that you are recovering and feeling better. I've been thinking about you!


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