Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Saw The Sign

What? It's Wednesday already?? 

So far, I have cooked once (asparagus casserole and roast chicken) and walked once on the treadmill with the baby.  Seriously ... how do mothers do it all???  One of the tips was to sleep while the baby is sleeping.   And if I am supposed to sleep while the baby is sleeping, I can't possibly prep and cook and put laundry away, right? So, any tips would be appreciated! 

Last Saturday, I had a REALLY REALLY good salad!
I just started getting into salads probably about a year or so ago. 
Salad like this makes me want to eat salad for all meals. 
Blackened salmon and shrimp. 
Balsamic vinaigrette

My most favorite picture of Baby Jack and me.

I can't fit into all my pre-preggo clothes so my outfits are so limited right now. So when I managed to put together an outfit that looks kinda professional and cute, I impressed myself. 

Today's drive to work was rather foggy. 
I love foggy mornings. 
It reminds me of San Francisco. 

I saw the sign. 
Spring is near. 

That's all for now. 
Two more treadmill run/walks and 2 more meals to cook. :) 
Baby steps. 


  1. Love the red coat!!! You look great!

  2. You are looking great! And that is such a cute picture of you with Baby Jack.

    I agree, "Sleep when the baby's sleeping" is some of the most annoying advice. How are you ever supposed to get anything done that way when that's the only time you have 2 hands free!?!? I make sure to never say that line to moms because I didn't like it myself. All I can say is to hang in there, it'll get better! When he's a little bigger and can sit in the swing, play on the floor, wiggle around, etc, you'll be able to do more while he's awake.

    Have a great rest of the week!

    1. THANK YOU!!! :)

      I have to agree - "Sleep when the baby's sleeping" advice is overused and annoying.

  3. My advice - don't take life too seriously right now. I had all the same problems. Had to prioritize sleeping and eating over housework.

    It's just a phase. It gets easier when they become a little more independent. :-)

  4. Just do what you can and try not to stress. Accept that for awhile you can't get much done. Cute picture!


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