Thursday, April 4, 2013

Love-Hate Relationship

I did my Week 1 Run #2 this morning after I woke up to pump. 
I figured I would only get to sleep for half an hour so, I put on my shoes and ran. 
Watched Taylor Swift's Journey To Fearless on Netflix.  Just a good mindless thing to watch. 

Run #1 was 1.8 miles.
Run #2 was 1.7 miles. I also ramped up the running speed to 6 and 7. 

I forgot how achy and sore running makes me. 
It is a love-hate relationship. 

Will report on Run #3 (I am going to get it in on Saturday). 


  1. yay running! I am starting couch to 5k on Tuesday! Definitely a love hate thing for sure!

  2. Good job! You are BACK!!!

  3. Hope your running is going great! Glad you are back to it!


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